My Scrapz

I am a Scrappin Bratz


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Freebie Time! CU Ok Too !

Yep you heard right ..! its that time again when we get in those freebies
I know you all just love them .. don't ya ? huh ? yeah I know you do... (you can't fool me )
:OP (lol) any who you can find my frebie and along with my new CU Ok product Bunnie Cakes !
in all of my stores and plus as always they are on sale! yep ! You all are getting spoiled this week and for the rest of this month ..! you can;t beat that .. So let head on over to any of my stores and get those freebies!! oh yeah the Bunnie Cakes too!! here is a preview of what you will be getting !

CDS.Bunnie Cakes

Freebie >>
CharmeDiva.Scrapz Memories


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